Thursday, February 22, 2007

the other side

1. It's all, all over.

2. The critique went well, I think; the only real problem Professor Kerr seemed to have was that I didn't have anything unkind to say about Kristine's presentation, just filling in holes in her research. I didn't faint.

3. Wednesday - yesterday? - was a filler day more than anything. I got up early, did my Latin at the cafe, went to class, and learned that the tests weren't marked yet and that there is no class on Friday because Professor Geyssen has to go to a doctoral defense. He remarked briefly and somewhat randomly on Britney Spears' hair (or lack thereof) and then we translated for a bit - and then got an extra assignment and another pop vocabulary quiz. The day after a test. I have no words.
It was a giddy sort of day; Geyssen had a giggle over a silly line of Latin (Sit Igitur! Sit! I need a dog to name Igitur) and in Honours Seminar, we had another horizon-broadening discussion with Christiane, this time trying to clarify to her about goth, punk, and rockabilly subculture (she is unfamiliar with them).
I spent the night trying not to think about the presentation, but I still didn't really sleep.

4. Today I rolled out of bed and read through my notes for two hours before class, trying not to fret and failing spectacularly. When I got to class, Alexandra, who is probably the most senior Classics student around these days, and who was doing the critique for my presentation, looked at me with tired eyes and told me that my outline was very thorough. To the point where she wasn't sure how much she would have to say. I started to feel better.
The actual presentation? As usual I seem to be shutting it out of my memory, but I said everything I wanted to say, at about the right speed, and didn't fall over or cry. I think I may even have done well.
Alexandra seemed very nervous to present her critique. I think I might be the calmest one yet speaking in front of the class, but maybe I looked more nervous from the floor.

5. Last night while trying not to think about my presentation, I finally uploaded the Second Life files I've been meaning to try out. Without further ado: my first shirt! (and skirt, but all I did was adjust the waist):

I'm also fond of my hair being green at the moment. I'm playing with a few more skins; maybe soon I can open a store...

6. Tomorrow, as I have no Latin, it's the lab and then NBCC for a bit to catch up on some web things. Tonight - tonight, I sleep.


Blogger Donna's chitchat said...

Congratulations on your presentation being over, and as I knew you would, pulling it off without a hitch. You will get more comfortable at it, I know you will.... you will be an awesome prof someday

9:18 PM  

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