Tuesday, March 11, 2008

an audiovisual spectacular

Picture time! The cats are hanging out together more and more. This is a pretty common sight - I'm not sure if Parallax sneaks up on her while she's asleep, or if Kitty doesn't mind her.

I don't think Kitty much likes cameras, though.

Our mango is flourishing, considering all it gets is a chilly, dim windowsill.

This is the skirt I mentioned, based off of this Craftster tutorial. It's not quite done yet - I need to rip out a row and gather it tighter, then gather the top for the waist. It's pretty heavy, but I'm hopeful it will be comfortable.

Finally, as I mentioned, I cleaned and culled and rearrange in the bedroom over the Break. Unfortunately our bedroom is long and narrow, so it's hard to take a picture of the whole wall, so I'll put up two from different angles:

Good god, what is that in the lower left box?

A stowaway! Here she is when she isn't yawning.

Just to round it out, I've had this song stuck in my head for ages. It's from the season 3 finale of Doctor Who, just as the villain, The Master, releases killer alien spheres and they rain down on Earth. The Master remarks several times about the unending drums in his ears (he's kind of crazy), so it's fitting that the song, Voodoo Child, is from an album called Here Come the Drums, by the Rogue Traders. Here's the video - possibly even better than Doctor Who. Though only three minutes long, and not featuring David Tennant, so there you go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the skirt. Can totally see you wearing it. It suits you. You are so TALENTED!

6:01 AM  
Blogger Donna's chitchat said...

I LOVE the pics of your bedroom... and the cats... so cute.. I am happy they are getting along.

7:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Steph.. was going to ask if the kitties sneak naps in your cube storage with all those cozy sweaters and then you showed one! very cute. Love your posts ... a. Kelly

9:48 AM  

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