March marches on
1. So much to write about. Sorry for not writing more often; Mom tells me I have avid readers (really?) who wonder where I go when I don't write for a bit. These days, I'm usually doing homework or pretending I have no homework.
2. Where to start? I left off Saturday night; Michelle, Scott, Sean, and myself went to the Back Nine, a rather posh sports bar a block from my house. It's expensive, and they keep switching head chefs so the menu keeps changing, but it has a few points in its favour.
- it's very pretty and spacious.
- they have a free pool table and a free shuffleboard table (court? what?) that almost never get used.
- you can get a booth with a TV and the waitstaff will usually tune it to whatever you want if you know the channel, which is how we watch So You Think You Can Dance in the summer.
- the drinks menu is extensive and fun.
3. Sunday morning I got the kids up early and we went to Read's for bagels and coffee (they get their bagels from the Great Canadian Bagel, so it's well worth it) before packing them away to the bus. They didn't even forget anything when they packed!
The rest of the day was supposed to be a homework day, but instead I ended up napping and then going out for coffee with Sean before his math tutorial and evening D&D session. The evening was spent re-reading Lilian Jackson Braun's The Cat Who books, which is a pleasant way to pass a Sunday evening, though not what you'd call productive.
4. Monday was an early morning, so that I could slog through a large chunk of the introduction of the Aeneid for Latin. There were a few other little errands, as well, but they escape me now; mornings are bad times for my memory. Latin went pretty well; we all stumbled through the poetry, but we also got back our tests.
I got an A. I'm pretty excited. :)
Anyway, the afternoon was another Maritime Archaeology class. It was actually fairly frustrating, as the parameters for the end of semester project got switched around again, but after a followup meeting with some classmates today, I feel alright about the class.
Last night was another failed attempt at limping through some homework; I read for a while, and had a nap, and when the finale of Galactica finished downloading, we sat down with some popcorn and watched it. It was, I must say, a little disappointing after the OMG!!fest of the finale for season 2, but definitely good nonetheless. Probably part of the problem is that we called all of the plot twists this time.
5. Today was supposed to be a busy, busy day. I had planned to skip my Augustus seminar to work in the lab (I don't actually need to attend right now) but slept in too late to much work done, so I went to class for something to do. It was, as usual, interesting, but the best part was asking Professor Kerr for my marks on the presentation and critique I did a few weeks ago; my presentation was 18.5/20, and the critique was 13.5/15 - both A+'s.
This semester has been a pretty stressful and tiring one, and I'll be glad to see the other side of it, and I don't ever want a schedule like this again, but at least I'm not really suffering in marks. Yet. That I can see. It ain't over til the fat lady sings, as they say - the fat lady here taking the meaning of final papers and exams - but things look up.
Anyway, I had the aforementioned archaeology project meeting, which was pretty good, and then came home for lunch/supper and a quick nap before heading back up and invigilating the last midterm for Grant's Anth 1002 class. Depending on what sort of month April is, I might sign up to invigilate some finals, but my god invigilating is boring.
On the way home I ran into Scott, one of my old roommates; we talked about classes and plans, and also that he and Kellie have just gotten a kitten, a little girl named Clover. It seems as though Tonks won him over more than I thought; he really hated her as a kitten (he's not much for the cuddly, needy stage of kittens) but liked her best of the Brunswick St cats, after she'd grown up and gotten less playful. He's hoping Clover will also chill out after a bit.
6. Tonight: finally getting around to all this stupid homework. Also, unless the computer decides at the last minute to be a brat, the season/series finale of Rome ought to be finished, so we'll probably take some time out of papers and reports to watch two hours of awesome Roman antics.
7. Tomorrow: the office, to throw a link onto the website; the doctor, for a checkup; honours seminar, to go over our mock masters thesis proposal drafts; meeting for the Mexico fieldschool even though I'm not sure if student loans is going to come through for me or not; supper, homework (Maritime archaeology survey strategies WOO HOO), and hopefully coffee with Erica.
Busy, busy, busy days.
8. Links:
- I love viral marketing campaigns, even when perpetrated by evil corporations: "How Coke Punk'd Its Own Lawyers".
- Word of the day: zaftig (courtesy of a thread on Craftster).
Avid Reader here...
Love to read about your daily "stuff" Steph. I think you should try to get a column in a really are very entertaining!
I love the pictures and all your news. Is that really your sister? you can really tell... she looks exactly like you. And you both are beautiful. And your beauty...clearly comes from your mother.
Cool yarn link for you...
Haha those pics of me and the cats are priceless.
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