Thursday, March 08, 2007

I could be violet sky

1. Back in the F-dot. The bus ride back was, if possible, longer and more fun than the ride up, particularly the Truro-Moncton leg, in which I had a woman in front of me who had her seat all the way back, a guy beside me spilling over onto me, and a guy behind me who not only had his knees against my back, but was so important that his text message alarm is a loud SOS beep, and went off at least six times between Truro and Moncton.
The kitties are alive; they didn't even break very much.

2. So, what to do now that I'm back. Suddenly I have all this work to do - four chapters of Cicero, more work on the Mactequac thing, and other things I can't even recall - and lab work. On the happier side of things that eat up my time, my student loan came in (cue angel trumpets, etc) and my work at the Craft Council was less stressful than it's been in ages. I got the things done that I needed to - maintenance from not working on the site for a few weeks on account of that stupid poster - and even got a start on what will be a busy little project in another week or two: putting together a gallery of the goblets submitted by members for the fundraiser. The information page I've put up looks like this, except that the italicized bit at the top isn't there in the current one, because the link in it leads to the totally sweet popup javascript gallery I rigged up this evening, and there's no goblet pictures to put in it yet. Still, very very cool. Do check it out.

3. I'll update the sock pictures tomorrow; I'll tell you, though, this humble little wish for bright colors in grey boring pre-spring has turned into a monster of a pair of lacy, crazy, rainbow salad knee socks. Hurrah for silly knitting projects. I'm probably going to knit a boring pair (something solid, or almost solid, and possibly even stodgy black or brown), much shorter, when I'm done these, so I'll have a pair where you can actually see the lace.

4. George Takei deserves a cake:

5. For some reason I'm all excited about weird cutout curtains today, like these ultramodern ones and these steel ones (steel curtains?).

6. That's all for now.


Blogger Donna's chitchat said...

Yeah about the student loan... about friggin time, I say. And the Goblet fundraising looks really cool. And... the sock is fantastic....having seen it in person.

7:51 AM  
Blogger Jill MacDonald said...

Hey Stephanie!
Every couple of days I get email from this site. It sometimes includes sites that remind me of things I think you might get a laugh out of.

Enjoy what's left of your break. Happy spending of the student loan!


6:11 PM  

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