Thursday, March 20, 2008

out the other side to madness

1. As I said, grad projects are a fine idea, but I would rather give them money when I have some to give - March is the third-worst month to ask students for money, right after December and April, and there are enough expenses associated with graduating (photos, yearbooks, rings, traveling to job interviews, paying grad school application fees).
Still, the grad project mailing list is turning into a thoroughly weird beast. After the angry emails, there were a slew of "$20 isn't so much, do your part for UNB" emails, followed by the "stop sending me emails!!" bunch, and then... this is why you don't put everyone's addresses in the CC line. These are only the highlights, there are many, many more.
  • "I think everyone just needs to get naked! -Brad"
  • "Brad, stupid comments really say something about u, so you should really shut up..."
  • "haha, sorry, couldnt resist, but im seconding brad's motion, i feel its far more productive than judging people you dont know through email.... so.... in the words of a close friend of mine "fuck shirts." the end."
  • " Hey Brad, you see this one yet??? What have u been up to these days?"
  • "I can't believe I'm doing this because all this is foolishness BUT Hillary the only person that should shut up is you...I'm with Brad on this one, get naked"
  • "Now that we've got all of your attention. Please take a minute and watch this video and consider the argument. "What's the worst that could happen?",23356.0.html Enjoy your new careers."
  • "Dear every1: I glad to announce that Tibet is a part of China. I love my country and thatz it. please dont hit reply to all again. Thank you very much. I really appreciate that."
  • "Hey guys, I just thought I'd let everyone know that Michael McAllister and Chris Rose (both graduating) have made it official and the wedding is coming up this June. Mike popped the question and Chris answered "yes". I hope to see you all at the wedding and congradulations and good luck to both of my dear friends Mike and Chris. I wish you all the best."
  • 'I actually kind of like this crazy Grad Class email forum. I feel like because of this CC mistake i am finally getting to know my fellow soon to be UNB alumni. For example, how else could I have ever known that Micheal Mcallister (big mike) and Chris Rose (chris-meister) are getting married, since i have no idea who these even people are?! I mean, I think it's really telling of our grad class's maturity and social consciousness that homosexual marriage can be announced with pride, just as it should be.
    This forum is also great for getting to know who is a cheap bastard, who likes to get naked, who whines all the time, who knows how to use their email software, and more importantly who has great UNB school spirit!"
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... the class of 2008.

2. So tonight we're leaving for Sean's parents' house, and tomorrow we'll be taking the ferry out to Digby in the morning to meet Michelle and Scott and head home. We have a faithful catsitter trained to feed the princesses, and are in the process of rounding up clothes and books and charging ipods and so on.
Kitty had a cute moment the other day. Gail posted a video of dolphins playing in the waves, and you can clearly hear her talking through most of the video. As soon as her voice came on, Kitty flew into the room and onto my lap, staring at the laptop and trying to figure out what it did to Gail!

3. Links:


Blogger GailM. said...

Tell the kitty that I'll bring home a fishy for her...

6:01 PM  

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