Thursday, January 31, 2008

job or no job?

1. The work-study situation has been up and down so many times in the past week I'm starting to get seasick. At last count, I think, I'd been told no by the library and just interviewed with the Fiddlehead. Yesterday, I came home to an email saying that other, more qualified applicants beat me out of the Fiddlehead, too. I wasn't very happy about it, but all you can really do is try to be philosophical about it and keep trying, right?
This morning the phone rang at 8:30, which admittedly woke me up - I didn't have class til 11:30! Anyway, I missed it, but checked the number anyway. I thought maybe it was a job call - an applicant not accept a position? another interview? - but it was the Lunar Rogue, a pub downtown. I puzzled over this for a bit before deciding that maybe Sean had left a resume with them at some point and they were calling for him. When they called back, I picked up right away, but it wasn't for Sean, it was for me, looking for a character reference for Stu, who I have employed twice for the Crafts Council. So I was a little disappointed for us, but gushed about Stu for a bit. He's a good guy and I know he needs a job about now, and they're a good place to work.
I was making coffee and getting my day started when the phone rang again, which is just weird. No one calls us in the morning, and rightly so - if we're not at work or in class, we're asleep - and three calls in one morning is an awful lot. It was Sue, my boss from last year!
As it turns out, the work-study people took until this past Monday to even get her my resume, and haven't been returning her phone calls to make sure it's okay to hire me again. She decided to call me up anyway so I wasn't worrying that she hated me (which, you know, I might have been, a little) and have me come in for an interview so that we can say I interviewed, and can I come in this afternoon for a chat?
So I went in and we talked about the position, and how much I'd like to help out with the many little tasks going on in the world of UNB archaeology these days. The short list seems to include publishing papers on the conference last semester, helping to set up a new lab space on campus (a replacement for my closet last year; this one has six rooms! and a kitchen!), and cleaning more flakes, plus whatever Dr. Black has kicking around in his queue of things for students to do. I'm excited, she's happy to have me back, at this point it's all on the university to say yea or nay. My fingers, toes, and eyes are crossed, and I'm encouraging the cats to, too.

2. Also in the world of jobs, Sean has had a second conversation with his work-study boss at the library about potentially working there over the summer, depending on budget. It sounds to me like it's a question of how much they can pay him for how many hours, more than whether it can happen at all, but I might be overly optimistic. He's so excited about it, though - he really likes his job, tedious as it may be.

3. Oh, and after my conversation with Sue, Stu stopped by to tell me he got the job with the Rogue right after the hiring woman called me. Jobs for everyone!

4. So, um, yes. The rest of life is pretty routine. I've been trying to get through a metric ton of language homework this week, but it's not very inspiring. Nonetheless it all must be finished today, so hopefully at some stupid hour of the night I can smile proudly at my stack of finished translation (in both directions, for both languages!) and collapse into a euphoric heap.
Also, Sean randomly ran into Neil for the first time all semester, and then I randomly ran into the pair of them, so we went down to the Cellar and played pool. Neil may even be joining us for D&D with Will and Marie soon.

5. We've been more and more adventurous with cooking lately, and last night Sean made an interesting (in a good way) Chinese recipe, which mainly involves a strongly flavoured broth and stew beef and blanched vegetables. It was very tasty. I think tonight will be a tuna curry night, though - back to our roots, etc.

6. links:
  • if you're in need of some morbid entertainment, head on over to the STU website and read the growing stacks of mail the establishment has been responding to daily. I learn all sorts of cool things I didn't know, like that Easter Monday is an expendable holiday even for Catholic universities, and that the BEd semester is only two months long, which means that they've already lost half of their semester. The repetitiveness of "the semester will not be cancelled" is almost Monty Python humourous.
  • in other university news, if you haven't been to yet, go see what Michelle's beau is up to these days. It's a pretty slick website and I hope those X'ers are plenty impressed with them.
  • and a five-way convertible table, just because.


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