Friday, July 13, 2007


1. Friday! A lovely sunny Friday, at that. Unfortunately, I work 8:30-4:30 as usual, and Sean works 4:00-9ish, so it'll be a lonely sort of day. We're planning to spend large amounts of the next couple days organizing, as the state of the house is starting to erode our minds.

2. While at Sean's parents' house, I learned how to make a simple pasta salad from the Joy of Cooking (I really have to get me a copy of that), and last night I threw together a nice looking version for lunch today (and snacks last night):
  • 8 oz gemelli, boiled in heavily salted water and drained
  • three tablespoons white vinegar
  • three tablespoons organic olive oil
  • one tablespoon dried organic basil (I would have preferred fresh, but they had none and it's far pricier)
  • two miniature seedless cucumbers, sliced
  • half a yellow pepper, cut up appropriately
  • about five or six small heirloom tomatoes, cut up appropriately (they have little variety packs of weirdly coloured tomatoes, including a dark purple-green variety, for quite cheap at the moment)
Combine vinegar, oil, and basil in a large bowl; add pasta and mix thoroughly, and put in the fridge to cool. When room-temperature or colder, stir in veggies. Serves five or six salad-sized portions.
I would like to take a picture, but I fear the rest will be gone before I get home and I have no camera here at the moment.

3. Not much else to say at the moment, except
  • we have 34 people signed up for Fredericton,
  • I'm wondering when Mom is coming up,
  • and I need more coffee.


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