Wednesday, May 30, 2007

journey's end

Well, I'm only ten days behind on my blog for Mexico... not as bad as I feared! Yes, I'm going to continue to type it up with photos and so on. My written journal is only two days short, so I'm going to finish it up today and start transcribing.
Coming back from a trip is one of the most interesting things about traveling. The reverse culture shock (showers with water pressure? food that isn't trying to burn me from the inside out?) and the inevitable slowing down that comes after being "on" and busy for weeks... it can be hard to adjust to. The first couple times I traveled I had a lot of trouble coming back, with temperature and jet lag and so on. It was a bit better last year, but this year hasn't been bad at all. The only problem has been a cough from the unbelievably dry climate here and that I just don't know what to do with myself. When I left, I still had a busy schedule and lots to do; now, I have a full time job that I start on Friday, but that's it - no homework, no other jobs, no wacky class schedule. I tried to apply for a Millennium scholarship, but apparently the "in course" scholarships are only for those who have just finished their second year (I don't know anyone like that), and then I tried to apply for my student loan for next year but those forms aren't out until Friday, so I guess I can try and blog and upload photos to Facebook and maybe sort some clothes.
The cats are happy to see me, and have petitioned for a new kind of food, having buried their food dish in paper, and eaten holes through the bottom of the bag to scatter the food everywhere. Cats.
Fredericton is much the same as always. The Fox is getting a rooftop patio, which is exciting.
Sean is working away at his job, which involves dressing snappily and selling pretty jewelry to people. He's been working lots of short shifts - it seems like six days a week of three to eight hour shifts. This coming week he has forty hours, and they're not even into the seriously busy tourist season yet.
Well, I suppose I ought to figure out what I'm doing today and get on it...


Blogger Donna's chitchat said...

NIce to see you back on the blog.... forget facebook...who really cares about facebook anyway!!!reallly..... I hate facebook. But I am glad your home.

12:16 PM  
Blogger cpm said...

Yay! You're on facebook! I'm going to see if you want to be my friend (pathetic!)
Glad your trip was great!

4:45 PM  

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