Monday, December 18, 2006

another year, another blog

And here I am again, with a new blog, a new address, a new roommate (well, a recycled roommate), a new cat (and the old one too!), and probably the same things to say. I do like the format I used on my old msn blog, so I believe I'll start with that and see how it goes.

1. Today Sean and I spent the morning waving our hands about Christmas shopping and present-making and travel plans, and the afternoon getting supplies and a small amount of shopping done. After having done reconnaissance on Saturday (a stupid day to shop in this season) it was a pretty basic operation, but it was still almost seven when we got home, with a side trip to the Chinese grocery for a few random items (soy sauce, noodles, a can of quail eggs for Sean's dad's stocking...).

2. This evening is knitting and listening to Brave New World on audiobook, unabridged, while Sean paints. It's rather nice, but I'm worried about the amount of knitting I appear to have gotten myself into. Still, what would Christmas be if there were no panicked, last minute projects?

3. The most terrifying moment of today: Parallax, aforementioned new cat, was in Sean's room sneaking around. We try to keep his door shut because Binnie the rat lives in there, and I'm concerned that the cats might take a swipe at her, though they haven't ever tried, that we know of.
Until tonight, likely. I'm not sure who snapped first, but we heard a terrified scream in the room, and then two very, very frightened cats flew around the apartment for a few seconds. Parallax tore out of Sean's room and ran into a table, Tonks flew out of my room and across my feet with all her claws out, managing to slash up both my little toes and getting blood all over the floor, and Sean jumped up and went to check on Binnie.
Binnie, for her part, was fine, and if a rat could grin she was grinning. Parallax went and hid in the bathroom, and Tonks hid in my room. This is not the first time our cats have been pwned by the rat, but the loss of dignity must be pretty hard to take for the girls.

4. This blog is awesome. Today alone it's led to me to here and here (the latter link is a really amazing art installation

which makes me want to go to Europe for some reason.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so excited that you are blogging again.... I missed it so. I really did. I love all your neat stories and it keeps me in touch with your fantastic sense of humor and incredible writing skills... of which I can take NO credit for either one!

7:25 AM  

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